Evelyn's Gaze

by Tina Mitchell
Evelyn's Gaze
Tina Mitchell
Digital Art - Digital
If a picture frame is more than just a way to store pictures, why not make it a work of art, too?
Works of art are usually not the first thought that comes to mind when trying to describe something intangible. However, they are rather common in the world of digital art, and they put the viewer into a certain mood or atmosphere that cannot be achieved through mere words alone.
One of these works is Evelyn's Gaze, featuring a captivated woman gazing out over a gallery of white picture frames with a colorful abstract painting as a backdrop. She seems to be astonished at her newly discovered individual framed treasures. Looking stunning in a blue off-the-shoulder party dress, you can almost feel her enchantment.
“What keeps my heart awake is colorful silence.”
― Claude Monet
*LICENSING AVAILABLE* licensing.pixels.com/profiles/tinamitchellart
February 25th, 2022
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